for classes 1-30, Use discount code: “onedollar”

for classes 31-60, Use discount code: “onedollar31”

for classes 61-100, Use discount code: “onedollar41”

Classes 1-30

Classes 1-30

This video collection contains the first 30 Classes in the Kaiut 1-100 series. These opening classes lay the foundation for the rest of the series. The most important asanas are taught so as to become a regular part of your practice.

Class 1-30 Videos
Every month
Classes 31-60

Classes 31-60

Classes 61-100

Classes 61-100

This video collection contains Classes 31-60 of the Kaiut 100 Class Series. These classes build on the first 30 Classes advancing your practice and introducing new asanas to your body.

Class 31-60 Videos
Every month

Classes 61-100 continue to extend the asanas introduced previously to propel your practice to deeper effect on your physical body, nervous system, energetic body and mindfulness.

Class 61-100 Videos
Every month